Action Research

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Lecture 10 ( 9/06/2009 )

Penganalisisan Data

Proses yang menggunakan data yang dikumpul untuk memberikan maklumat yang berguna untuk cadangkan keputusan dan kesimpulan.

Dapatkan sekurang-kurangnya tiga jenis data untuk dianalisis.

Data kualitatif dan kuantitatif boleh dipersembahkan secara grafik semasa data dianalisis.

Cari pola dan kategori, persamaan, terangkan trend dan pertanyaan, katalogkan pemerhatian, bilangan dan bandingkan serta membuat anggaran.

Langkah Analisis Data kualitatif

(a) Langkah pertama
-Tengok maklum balas secara lalu
-Catatkan nota berdasarkan tema yang muncul, isu atau faktor yang didengar.
-Item yang berulang atau penting diberi perhatian.

(b)Langkah dua
-Tiga / empat tema/ kategori yang muncul dipilih seterusnya matriks dibina.
-Buat carta bukti berkaitan dengan tema utama.
-Tema kategori berada di atas carta manakala senarai pelajar di tepi carta.
-Setiap kategori yang berlainan boleh dibezakan dengan warna kod yang berlainan.

(c) Langkah tiga
-Perbincangan dengan pendidik yang lain boleh dilaksanakan.
-Tinjauan ( soal selidik ) dibaca dan kata kunci yang berkaitan dengan tema dikenalpasti
-Seterusnya, rekodkan dapatan dalam kotak yang bersesuaian dengan carta matriks yang telah dibina.

(d)Langkah empat
-Tanya soalan(Apa yang telah saya dapat ?)
-Rekodkan pemerhatian pola seperti pola konsep dan pola sikap apabila memerhatikan matriks.
-Tulis/rekod pemerhatian di bawah carta matriks.
-Sokongan bacaan jurnal

(e) Langkah lima
-Rekodkan kesimpulan samada di bawah matriks atau atas kertas yang berlainan.

(f)Langkah enam
-Rancangkan langkah yang seterusnya samada melalui:
Tinjauan(soal selidik lain)/ Temubual/ Penilaian
Semak semula persoalan kajian
Bina modul/aktiviti
-Jangan lupa rekod apa yang dibuat dalam matriks
-Apakah maklumat yang masih diperlukan
a) Atas pelajar
b) Atas kaedah
c) Maklumat latar belakang untuk tajuk yang berkenaan

Kegunaan Data dalam PLAN-DO-STUDY-ACT CYCLE
1. Plan
Nilai dan ringkaskan semua data yang sedia ada
Analisis dan kenalpasti tema utama
Kenalpasti sumber data yang akan memberikan ukuran progress penambahbaikan

2. Do
Kumpul data
Buat kajian rintis untuk memastikan strategi pengukuran dipenuhi

3. Study
Analisis data yang telah dikumpul dan buat kesimpulan

4. Act
Kenalpasti soalan tambahan
Rancang untuk penambahbaikan berterusan
Mengumpulkan data dan analisis data merupakan proses yang berterusan dalam penyelidikan tindakan
Kita mungkin tidak dapat keputusan jangkaan tetapijangan risau.
Dapatan kajian adalah bertujuan untuk memberi panduan dan memperbaiki pengajaran untuk seterusnya.

Panduan Analisis Data:
-Reka bentuk pendekatan sistematik dan simpan semua data
-Cuba memahami maklumat yang ingin disampaikan oleh data
-Cari tema dan pola
-Susun data berdasarkan apa yang kamu pelajari daripada data
-Masukkan semua data termasuk data yang tidak menyokong apa yang kita cari
-Baca data secara berulangan
-Bina imej visual (Contoh: jadual dan carta) untuk ringkaskan maklumat.
-Tulis nota ringkas untuk diri sendiri
-Kongsi dapatan di mana perbincangan akan menimbul soalan baru
-Let the data speak to you

Proses Analisis Data
-Analisis semua data dan buat nota ringkas sepanjang masa
-Cari tema dan pola
-Ringkaskan tema kepada 3-5 idea
-Lihar kembali data dan semak tema-tema yang telah buat
-Bina subtema jika perlu
-Simpan nota secara berterusan, malah dapatan kadang kala dapatan mengejutkan
-Semak maklumat untuk cari idea yang kerap atau dominan muncul
-Kenalpasti poin yang utama
-Cari maklumat untuk menyokong dapatan kajian

Lecture 9 (8/6/2009)

Pembentangan diteruskan dan prosedur-prosedur yang dirancangkan dalam proposal dijelaskan secara teliti. Selepas sesi penbentangan, format proposal yang tepat dibincangkan.

Bab 1. Latar Belakang Kajian
(a) Rasional kajian ( kenapa kajian tersebut dilakukan )
(b) Tujuan ( untuk apa kajian ini dilakukan )
(c) Objektif
(d) Persoalan kajian

Bab 2: Literatur
- Mengkaji kajian-kajian lepasan yang berkaitan dengan kajian yang bakal dilakukan

Bab 3: Prosedur Kajian
- Dirancang secara terperinci dan aspek-aspek yang perlu dimasukkan adalah seperti :
a) Rancangan harian mengajar
b) Contoh ABM yang digunakan
c) Langkah-langkah Kajian yang dijalankan

Bab 4: Pengumpulan Data
- Instrumen kajian serta pelaksanaan pengumpulan data

Kuiz dilangsungkan sebelum berakhirnya kuliah ke-9. Soalan-soalannya adalah seperti berikut:
1) Bezakan kajian tindakan dengan kajian eksperimen.
2) Bina persoalan kajian berdasarkan proposal kajian tindakan anda.
3) Apakah tujuan baseline data?

Monday, June 1, 2009

Lecture 8 ( 1/6/09 )

Proposal discussion

Today we discussed on our proposals that we passed up last Thursday. Some of the groups are picked to present their work in front of the class. During the whole session, our lecturer give comments on few aspects such as :

  • The suitable title for the proposal
  • The methods used
  • The measurements of the effectiveness of our research
  • The strength and weaknesses

We are required to write down our thoughts regarding action research before class ended.

Lecture 7 ( 29/5/09 )

Pengumpulan data


  • Ada pelbagai teknik boleh digunakan dalam pengumpulan data.
  • Pelbagai teknik yang digunakan untuk mengumpul data tidak menjanjikan kualiti dapatan kajian
  • Penyelidikan kajian tercapai jika dilakukan dengan sempurna
  • Oleh itu, usaha memastikan kualiti tinggi dalam penyelidikan kajian perlu dipelajari dengan lebih gigih

3 Sebab perlu mencapai kualiti tinggi:

  1. Tanggungjawab kepada pelajar
  2. Keperluan kepada kecekapan diri dan orang lain
  3. Keperluan untuk membuat tindakan dan berubah kepada perkara manfaat (menambah pengetahuan) melalui kajian tindakan

Kriteria Kualiti:

Kesahan (Validity)
1. Merujuk kepada kebenaran data
2. Dengan mengetahui samada data sebenarnya mengukur atau mencerminkan fenomena khusus yang dikaji

Kebolehpercayaan (Reliability)
1. Berkaitan dengan ketepatan data
2. Masalah kebolehpercayaan sering berlaku dalam pendidikan apabila data diambil dari sampel yang kecil.
3. Demi penambahbaikan data pernyelidikan tindakan, soalan-soalan yang perlu ditanya ialah
- Adakah maklumat ini merupakan perwakilan tepat realiti?
- Bolehkah saya fikir sebarang sebab untuk syak kepada ketepatan data?

5 Tahap Penyelidikan Tindakan
Tahap 1 Mengenalpasti masalah
Tahap 2 Perancangan tindakan
Tahap 3 Pengumpulan data
Tahap 4 Analisis data
Tahap 5 Perancangan untuk tindakan seterusnya

Alat Pengumpulan Data
Pemerhatian - Video tape
Nota guru dan komen
Kerja pelajar
Refleksi pelajar dan kerja pelajar
Jurnal pelajar
Tinjauan Soal Selidik
Temuduga (Audio tape)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Lecture 6 (25/5/09)

Firstly we are asked to write down our personal details and answer some questions regarding education. At the final part, we are asked to draw a tree and write down our date of birth. Our lecturer wanted to relate our personalities with the drawing and the date we were born. Below are the questions asked:

1. Mengapa ingin menjadi cikgu?
2. Guru yang anda paling suka dan sebabnya.
3. Guru yang anda benci dan sebabnya.
4. Apakah tugasan seorang guru? (Lecturer’s answer: Knowledge sharing between the teachers and their students. It happens in two ways.)

Secondly, we are asked to work in pairs to discuss on one of the presentation during the Seminar Pendidikan Serantau that we attended last week (19-5-09 to 21-05-09). After the discussion with our partner, our lecturer asked few of the students to present their discussion in front of the class and she gave comments which increase the understanding of action research among us. Below is the result of discussion between my partner and I. We are required to discuss from 4 aspects which are what, how, why and the procedures of the research.

Tajuk : Hubungan antara konsep kendiri dengan motivasi pelajar

Kenapa : Kajian ini dilakukan untuk menganalis hubungan antara konsep kendiri dengan motivasti pencapaian pelajar dengan mengikut status sosioekonomi keluarga berdasarkan jantina

Apa : Hubungan motivasi dengan pencapaian pelajar tidak berhubung rapat dengan factor sosioekonomi

Bagaimana : Penggunaan skala likert, teknik soal selidik dan konsep kendiri Rosenberg digunakan untuk pengumpulan data. Penganalisissan data dilakukan dengan teknik korelasi Pearson, Ujian-t dan Anova Sehala

Prosedur : 100 pelajar iaitu 30 lelaki dan 70 perempuan di sebuah sekolah kebangsaan dengan dijadikan sampel dengan menggunakan teknik-teknik yang disebutkan tadi untuk penganalisisan data.

During the lesson, we did discuss on few terms which are:
- Contextual analysis
- Historical Research
- Bibliography analysis
- Survey Research

Before the class end, we are required to form a group of 5 and prepare a proposal on the topic that we had chosen entitled Peningkatan penglibatan pelajar perempuan dalam Kadet Polis. We are required to hand in our assignment by 28/5/09, Thursday.

Report on Seminar Pendidikan Serantau Ke-4

Title: The application of game technique to develop English language skills of Indonesia labor (TKI) in Riau province

Presenter : Erni S.

Session: 3C5

Date/ Day: 20/5/2009, Wednesday

Time: 9.50am-10.10am

Venue: Sri Meranti

Chairman: Pn Hamidah Yamat

Note taker: Lim Siew Yee

Main points:

1. To develop Indonesian labors’ English language skill through ’game technique’

2. Too see whether the application of game technique can increase the workers ability on vocabulary, language function and skill of communication for daily activities.

3. Results are gained through written and oral tests. Problems are identified due to the fact that the characteristics of the samples are varied.

4. As for the conclusion, game technique does increase the level of English language skills among workers


1. English that is taught in the program is too formal. Workers should be exposed to communication skills in daily life.

2. Workers should also be exposed to practical training such as training in household activities besides mastering the skills in English language.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Journals' Review




Comparison and Differentiation

  • Related to mathematical learning and teaching
  • Collaborative action research between mathematics teachers and university educators
  • Reflection plays significant role in all the studies
  • Required students’ higher-order thinking and metacognitive processes
  • Setting: classroom
  • Article 1: Focusing on the students’ self progression
    Article 2 & 3: Focusing on the effort of the teachers to bring changes toward their teaching methods
  • Article 2 & 3: Longer timeline ( 2 years).
  • Article 2: Result is described in narrative form
    Article 1 & 3: Result is presented in statistical form
  • Article 1: Students ( samples ) aged 8 years old
    Article 2 & 3: Students (samples) aged 12-14 years old
  • Article 1: 2 classes involved
    Article 2: 1 classes involved
    Article 3: 5 classes involved

    Article 1:
    This study focuses on third grade students regarding their self- assessment in memorizing the multiplication table. 2 classes were selected including the special education students. Suitable strategies of learning are introduced to the students. Students were evaluated every week for 10 weeks. Besides, students are required to set predicted score in their weekly test and a bar graph is plot to compare the predicted and true score. Students are also required to fill in the reflection sheet regarding their previous goals, study strategies and plans for the future weeks. The forms used by both classes were slightly different due to the fact that the students who undergo special education faced difficulties with the reflection sheet. Hence, their teacher modified the reflection sheet to include some response questions and drawing. Data from each class were first analyzed separately because the classroom assessment environment is different. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the quantitative data from students’ bar graphs and reflection sheets. Qualitative data from student reflection sheets were summarized into tables by week and by question and inspected for patterns. These patterns were used to generate case studies for each student. Interpretive summaries were constructed for data teacher interviews. Graphs are shown for the predicted score, accurate score, min, median and maximum. Data is also shown in tabular form for strategies used reasons why strategies worked, reasons why strategies didn’t work and so on. There are also description on teachers’ interview and strategies used in textual explaination. The result analysis in this article is well organized and readers are able to gain a very clear picture of the whole study.

    Article 2:
    This article is mainly about a collaborative action research between a middle school teacher and a mathematics teacher educator that focused on the teacher’s attempts to change her instructional practice. Collaboration and support reflect on teachers’ beliefs and reflective practice are the stages taken during the study. During the collaboration, new sequences of the new topic are created together between the teacher and educator. Brainstorming activities are done by students to ensure that the objectives are fulfilled. Manipulative skills are implemented into the lesson taught. Opened-ended questions are used to check the understanding of the students. Observation is done by both of the teacher and educator to look at the result of efficiency of the changes of instructional practice they had made. When either one of them are teaching in front of the class, the other person will be the observer who would take note and jot down suggestion about things that can be improved. Besides, reflection is also one of the methods that the teacher used to analysis the pros and cons of the teaching method used. Observation and reflection are good ways to find out the efficiency of the changes in instructional practice. This study varies from others where we can’t gain the result through quantitative data. The method of observation helps the teacher to discover their weaknesses in teaching immediately and find ways to enhance their way of teaching.

    Article 3:
    This article described the changes of teaching algebra in a middle school. The teacher intended to teach students algebra through a manipulative program rather than the traditional textbook approach. The study had two phases. At first, the teacher taught using the manipulative method. After a period of time, the teacher taught in a non-manipulative style by using the textbook. Data is collected through an end-of-year survey, weekly student reflections, teacher observations and teacher reflections, student work samples and test scores and a whole-class interview. Data about students’ ability to solve algebraic equations were initially
    gathered through student work samples and student tests scores during both the ‘manipulative phase’ and the ‘book’ phase. Some students were also videotaped while demonstrating algebraic solutions. The second phase of the study took place the next academic year. The team investigated the same students’ high school experience to examine the ‘durability’ of the results
    of the manipulative experiences in phase one. Data is collected and presented through tabular form. Data regarding the overall grade average from both the textbook phase and the manipulative phase is compared. The overall grade includes the grades earned on homework, quiz, and test scores during this grading period. To get further information from the result, the data is broken down where comparison is done regarding class average performance during periods of manipulative work and textbook work before and after manipulative instruction. The study continued for the second year when the students went on to high school. Study is done on the interest of students in learning algebra through the textbook instruction and manipulative instruction. The data in this particular report is well organized. The author clearly showed the data in table where the readers can do their own comparison easily. Besides, the analysis of data is also well prepared. The description not only explains the quantitative data but explaination regarding the pattern of data gained is also provided. Reasons and suggestions are included in the result segment in the report. I feel that the author really put lots of effort during the whole process where she really eager to find out the reasons and solutions for the topic she carried out.


    Article 1:
    The report is short but dense. The description is straight to the point. The way the author present the report is well organized. Information is grouped according to certain categories. The data analysis is mainly on the statistical explaination. The author did not state the reasons and further explaination on the pattern of data.

    Article 2:
    The report included literature reviews and introduction of some important keywords and terms in the study. This is a way to expose readers who are beginners in action research. Readers can understand in a better way. However, the report is in narrative form where readers need to read the whole part to gain all the elements such as the data analysis, results and so on. It is difficult for readers to trace back certain information in the report. They need to look back over the whole narrative report and it is wasting of time.

    Article 3:
    Like article 2, this report also included literature reviews and introduction of some important keywords and terms. Besides, there is also further explaination on the undergoing process. As a reader, we can even imagine the whole practice. The way the author present the result can be considered as one of the strength in this report. Statistical data is shown with the textual description regarding the reasons and solutions of the data pattern. The information is useful for others who are doing the similar research. The discussion of this report provides readers wide range of understanding regarding the research itself and also the person involved.
  • Conclusion:

    Article 1:
    The result for this study is positive. The methods used are suitable for the chosen topic. Students who did their self assessment did increase their metacognitive level. However, differences in the classroom assessment environments will encourage students to perform differently. Therefore, we can say that students’ self assessment is context dependent. As the result shown, students will apply their selected study strategies in order to memorize the timetable. However, the students in this study are still young; therefore teachers should teach, guide and support them throughout the process of self assessment. Unlike the other articles, the focus of this article is narrow. It focuses mainly on the progression of self assessment among the students. It didn’t emphasis the impact on other parties such as the teacher involved through the entire research. The collaborative level among the teacher is also low where they actually didn’t discuss and do reflection in groups.

    Article 2:
    The result for this study is also positive. At the end of the day, the author realizes the ways to improve her own instructional practice in the class with the help of her collaborative friend. At the same time, she discovered the importance of having a collaborative partner during her action research. The collaborative partner is significant in this particular research due to the fact that the observation from the partner will provide useful feedback and suggestion which are the result analysis of the study. Unlike the other two study, this project followed models and protocols such as features from Mclaughlin (1990) and principles from Clarke’s (1994). The reflective and constructive model for understanding teacher change from Edwards (1996) was also one of the models used as the guidelines for this research. The research also concluded that the teacher is the final decision maker in the classroom which provides directions for the students for rooms of improvements in learning. In short, the research done by this author is not limited for her only but also beneficial to all the teachers out there who wish to change their teaching ways in order to improve themselves.

    Article 3:
    The result for this report is a little bit complicating. On the author’s point of view and results shown, she believes that students learn best through manipulative methods. Unfortunately, the teachers in secondary schools deny the efficiency of the method taught by the author. Hence, as a resolution to her problem, she intended to switch the teaching method from 8th grade to sixth grade. Her aim is to instill I believe that this research will be continued in the future and further report will be written regarding the progression of the research. This project includes wide range of study. The scope consist of the results from the data, the author’s reflections, decisions made after the resulting, the changes of the author’s professional growth and issues in collaboration research. It can be said that the author did a deep research on the selected topic and also the issues related with it. In short, action research is not a tool to further personal or professional development but a tool for teachers who seek for changes.

  • Article 1:
    Students in two third grade classes including special education students are involved in the ‘Minute Math’ project. It is a collaborative research conducted jointly by two university supervisors, three teachers, and three student teachers. This project involved students in predicting and graphing their test scores on a weekly evaluation test of the 0–9 multiplication facts. Students also reflected each week on their progress and the success of their studying and problem-solving strategies. Student self-assessment was successful in helping students to gain deeper experience on monitoring their own mathematics learning. Most of the students enjoyed participating in self assessment. Flash card is the most preferred strategy that applied in the assistance of memorization. Students will apply the strategies that they are comfortable with frequently. Though self assessment is a powerful tool in memorizing the multiplication facts, students still need the guidance of their teacher in order to be in the appropriate track.

    Article 2:
    Action research collaboration between a middle school mathematics teacher and a mathematics teacher educator that focused on the teacher’s attempts to change her instructional practice in her teaching methods was done. The middle school teacher wrote a narrative description of the collaboration and of the changes she made in her instructional practice as a result of the collaboration. An interpretive analysis of the teacher’s narrative by the teacher educator reveals that the collaboration itself supports the whole idea of the project. The teacher’s reflections on her own beliefs and practices which derived from the collaboration were important to her process of change. At the end of the day, collaborative research is proved to be useful in doing educational research whereby the middle school teacher couldn’t be successful without the assistance of her collaborative partner.

    Article 3:
    This collaborative research conducted by a university mathematics educator and an eighth-grade mathematics teacher investigating on the outcomes of implementing manipulative approaches in teaching algebra. This algebraic study serves as a vehicle for examining the questions, reflections, and changes brought forth by the mathematics teacher throughout the collaborative process. Within this paper, issues related to the collaborative action research in the mathematics classroom that are connected to the teacher’s transformation are discussed. These issues include the characterization of collaborative research and goals for collaborative action research as well as the challenges for collaborative action research in mathematics classrooms.